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39 results
Events and Experiences
Events and Experiences
Events and Experiences
Events and Experiences
Events and Experiences

May 25th: Schafberg Run

Summer of Adventures
Summer of Adventures

WasserSpiegel Museum 21. June: Early Bird Yoga at Schafberg 21. June: Nostalgic trips with the SchafbergBahn 28. June: Evening ride with the SchafbergBahn

Events Aboard Ship
Events and Experiences

July 18th: Pirnis Plattenkiste aboard ship July 26th: Priate ship for Kids    

Groups & Exclusive Celebrations
Events and Experiences

An excursion on the SchafbergBahn cog railway excites big and small → Find out more!

Gift Vouchers
Prices and Timetables

popular. A hearty snack and a heavenly nectar in the Himmelspforte on the Schafberg offer all summiteers a delicious refreshment at 1,783 meters above sea level.

Yoga at Schafberg
Events and Experiences

Yoga am Schafberg ✓ Hoch mit der SchafbergBahn ✓ Frühstück nach der Yogaeinheit ✓ Termine & Anmeldung » Mehr erfahren!

Groups and Exclusive Celebrations
Groups and Exclusive Celebrations

A ferry ride on WolfgangseeSchifffahrt fascinates big and small → Find out more!

Beste Österreichische Sommer-Bergbahnen
Facts and Pictures of the SchafbergBahn

NEW: The SchafbergBahn cog railway has been selected as one of the “Beste Österreichische Sommer-Bergbahnen → Find out more!

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