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14 results
Beste Österreichische Sommer-Bergbahnen
Facts and Pictures of the SchafbergBahn

NEW: The SchafbergBahn cog railway has been selected as one of the “Beste Österreichische Sommer-Bergbahnen → Find out more!

Hiking on Lake Wolfgangsee
Events and Experiences

The many different hiking paths surrounding Lake Wolfgangsee promise truly special nature experiences → Find out more!


Wolfgangsee → Enjoy the magnificient mountain panorama!


MönchbergAufzug since 1980✓ Lift in Salzburg, Austria ✓ Opening hours ✓ Prices ✓ Elevator into nature ✓ Things to do » Take the lift up the ...

Hiking on the Schafberg
Events and Experiences

A hiking paradise right in the middle of the Salzkammergut. The well-maintained hiking trails up the Schafberg inspire nature lovers, sporty ...

Mönchsberg Experience

For everyone who wants do enjoy more mountain air: Since 1893, the SchafbergBahn cog railway has carried sightseers, nature lovers and hikers up to an ...

Nostalgia ride with the SchafbergBahn
Events and Experiences

for an evening natural spectacle. Find out more now!

AudioGuide MönchsbergAufzug
AudioGuide MönchsbergAufzug

Experience the MönchsbergAufzug lift with our AudioGuide! Our AudioGuide offers you exciting information and interesting facts. Listen in now!

A Night on the Schafberg
Events and Experiences

Unique overnight accommodations at 1783 m above sea level → Find out more!

Events and Experiences

extensive green oasis in the heart of the city, culture, nature and cuisine enter into a unique and, in many regards, quite surprising symbiosis.