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Offers and Discounts
Prices and Timetables

Current offers and discounts for the WolfgangseeSchifffahrt ferries ✓ Combo tickets Mountain & Ship ✓ Hop On Hop Off Ticket ✓ Seniors’ Day aboard Ship ...

Offers and Discounts
Prices and Timetables

Current offers and discounts for the SchafbergBahn ✓ Combo tickets Mountain & Ship ✓ Family Day on the Schafberg ✓ Seniors’ Day on the Schafberg → ...

Groups and Exclusive Celebrations
Groups and Exclusive Celebrations

A ferry ride on WolfgangseeSchifffahrt fascinates big and small → Find out more!

Seniors Day on the Schafberg
Prices and Timetables

Monday = Seniors’ Day on the Schafberg ✓ Offers for seniors ✓ Discounts → Find out more!

Seniors' Day Aboard Ship
Prices and Timetables

Monday = Seniors’ Day aboard the WolfgangseeSchifffahrt ferries ✓ Offers for seniors ✓ Discounts → Find out more!


Extensive opportunities to make use of the recreational offers associated with our 5 Treasures Payment significantly above the collectively-agreed ...

Family Day on the Schafberg
Prices and Timetables

Friday = Family Day on the Schafberg ✓ Family offers ✓ Discounts → Find out more!

Groups & Exclusive Celebrations
Events and Experiences

An excursion on the SchafbergBahn cog railway excites big and small → Find out more!

Gift Vouchers
Prices and Timetables

Gift vouchers purchased in the 2022/2023 season may be redeemed until 31.10.2027*, subject to availability of the offers in question. Gift vouchers ...

Timetable Query for groups
Prices and Timetables

Traveling in a group? Take advantage of special offers for groups of 10 or more people → Buy online now!