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Facts and Pictures of the SchafbergBahn

locomotives ✓ Diesel-electric locomotives → Find out more!

Facts and Pictures of the SchafbergBahn
Facts and Pictures of the SchafbergBahn

Visit our interactive exhibition at the mountain station and learn more about the history and technology behind the cog railway.

Guided Tours and special experiences
Guided Tours and special experiences

Technology in action at the WasserSpiegel. In addition to numerous interactive stations, a laboratory gives children and teens the opportunity to ...


The WasserSpiegel on the Mönchsberg invites visitors and families with an interest in technology to enjoy a multimedia, interactive discovery tour on ...

AudioGuide FestungsBahn
AudioGuide FestungsBahn

passengers per hour up to the fortress. Since then, the technology has evolved and the railway has changed. Find out more about the ‘Tröpferlbahn’, as ...

AudioGuide WasserSpiegel
AudioGuide WasserSpiegel

grandfather give you an insight into the history and technology of the water on the Mönchsberg on their 5 Treasures journey. Listen in now!  

Facts and Pictures of WolfgangseeSchifffahrt
Facts and Pictures of WolfgangseeSchifffahrt

Everything about the WolfgangseeSchifffahrt ferries ✓ Facts and figures ✓ Boat landings ✓ Impressions → Find out more!

Facts and Pictures of WolfgangseeSchifffahrt

Everything about the fleet ✓ MS Österreich ✓ MS Salzburg ✓ MS Salzkammergut ✓ MS Wolfgang Amadeus ✓ RMS "Kaiser Franz Josef I." → Find out more!

Information about FestungsBahn
Information about FestungsBahn

Everything about the FestungsBahn funicular and how it has evolved over time → Find out more!


well as interactive insights into the history and technology of this cog railway. A pathway leads from the Panorama Station to the Himmelspforte ...